“…when the active works rise from this interior roots, they become lovely and very fragrant flowers. For they proceed from this tree of God's love and done for Him alone, without any self-interest. The fragrance from these flowers spreads to the benefit of many. It is a fragrance that lasts, not passing quickly, but having great effect."           St. Teresa of Avila

"The primacy to the call of every Christian to holiness, as it is manifested 'in the fruits of Grace which the Spirit produces in the faithful' and in the growth toward the fullness of Christian life and the perfection of charity...The first of the actual fruits is the renewed appreciation for prayer, contemplation, liturgical and sacramental life."   Christideles Laicia

​"For we are the aroma of Christ - our lives are a Christ like fragrance rising up to God...."  2 Coronthians

Community of St. Joseph

             Secular  Order  of  Discalced Carmelites                
​       Hampton, Virginia